How to change date and place of birth in Indian passport

How to change date and place of birth in Indian passport – Procedure for applying for Indian passport is made online and easy now. There are very less chances of having errors in name or place of birth or date of birth in Indian Passport. When I applied for passport in Bangalore, I had a computer before me and the passport officer has asked me to check and make sure all the details are correct before submitting the application and making the payment. So Ideally you should face the issue got having error in place and date of birth  or I can say the possibility of discrepancy is very less these days.

However, if you feel there is some discrepancy in the passport after you  got it , it should immediately addressed to passport officer and you can do it very easily. So don’t worry if see any errors in your passport. I will say no need to PANIC at all.
Things are there in place and for every there is a procedure mandated by Govt of India. So if you want to change the address, Place or Date of Birth you can do it with ease.
How To change the DATE and PLACE of BIRTH in your Passport:  Once your passport has been issued to you and if you want to do any KIND of changes in your passport, you can get done by APPLYING re-issue of Passport.  Re-issue of passport is just similar to applying for Fresh Passport. You have to go through the same process and procedure which you have applied for applying FRESH/NEW passport. However, if you doing it immediately , then you don’t go re-verification or Police inquiry process again. Saying that, I could be possible that since your are making a changes in your passport , everything can be repeated again.
So if you want to CHANGE the PLACE and DATE of BIRTH : Please refer this post for complete application process and procedure.  Re-issue of Indian Passport Application in Indian -ONLINE 
If you have any queries or concerns you can visit Indian Passport, Ministry of External Affairs, Govt. of India for accurate and latest information.


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